

User Needs

Users require a convenient way to find nearby community toilets.

User stories



Use Cases

UC1 UC1: Finding community toilets by Name
Description As a user, I want to search for community toilets by name.
Actors Users
Assumptions No assumptions
Steps <ol> <li> Click on the search bar</li><li>Type in the name of the community toilet</li><li>Select the desired community toilet from the search results</li></ol>
Variations <ol><li>If the community toilet does not exist,</li><li>display “Community toilet not found.”</li></ol>
Non-functional <ol><li>NFR1: The search bar or icon must be visible at all times (usability)</li><li>NFR2: List of community toilets could be narrowed down with every letter typed in (Performance efficiency)</li><li>NFR3: List could always be in alphabetical order(Usability)</li><li>NFR4:The app should respond to the user within 5 seconds(Efficiency)</li><li>NFR5: The app should work on Chrome and Safari browsers</li></ol>
Issues Entire name has to be entered to get result. Cannot display in alphabetical order
UC2 UC2: Finding community toilets closest to the user’s location
Description As a user i want to find community toilets closest to my location.
Actors Users
Assumptions Browser supports geo-location
Steps <ol> <li> Choose to view community toilets in map</li><li>Select the option to find community toilets nearest to my location</li><li> Request permission to use location </li><li>Display community toilets nearest to user’s location</li></ol>
Variations If the browser does not support geo-location: use Bristol city centre as the default location
Non-functional <ol><li> NFR1: Location is only accessed if the user grants permission (security)</li></ol>
Issues No Issues
UC3 UC3: Viewing all community toilets on the map
Description As a user, I want to view all community toilets on my map.
Actors Users
Assumptions Browser supports geo-location
Steps <ol> <li> Choose to view community toilets on map</li><li>Display all the community toilets in Bristol.</li></ol>
Variations No variations
Non-functional <ol><li> NFR1: Each marker should be visible(Usability)</li><li> NFR2: Display the name of the community toilet after clicking the marker (Usability)</li></ol>
Issues No Issues
UC4 UC4: Finding community toilets with changing places
Description As a user, I want to find community toilets with changing places.
Actors Users
Assumptions No assumptions
Steps <ol> <li>View community toilets on table</li><li>click on changing place</li><li>click on YES</li><li>Display all the community toilets with changing places</li></ol>
Variations <ol><li>click on NO</li><li>Display all the community toilets without changing places</li></ol>
Non-functional <ol><li>NFR1: The buttons should be visible and distinguishable (Usability)</li>><li> NFR2: Desired criteria only has two choices ‘yes’ or ‘no’(Efficiency)</li></ol>
Issues No Issues
UC5 UC5: Filtering community toilets by wards
Description As a user, I want to filter community toilets based on the wards.
Actors Users
Assumptions Browser supports geo-location
Steps <ol> <li> Choose to view table of community toilets</li><li> Select the filter wards</li><li> Choose the ward to filter from</li><li>display the filtered list accordingly</li></ol>
Variations <ol><li> Choose to view map of community toilets</li><li> Turn on the desired criteria chosen</li><li> Display the desired criteria on the map</li></ol>
Non-functional <ol><li> NFR1: Buttons for different wards should be distinguishable (usability)</li><li>NFR2: All toilets from the specific ward will be displayed(Efficiency)</li></ol>
Issues There are too many wards to display all individually so only the ones with a certain number of toilets were used.
UC6 UC6: Filtering community toilets by Family Toilets
Description As a user, I want to find community toilets that have family toilets.
Actors Users
Assumptions No Assumptions
Steps <ol> <li> Choose to view a table of community toilets</li><li> select the filter family toilets</li><li>Click on YES</li><li>Display community toilets with family toilets</li></ol>
Variations <ol><li>Click on NO</li><li>Display community toilets without family toilets</li></ol>
Non-functional <ol><li> NFR1: The buttons should be easily read and distinguished(Usability) </li> <li> NFR2: Desired criteria only has two choices ‘yes’ or ‘no’(Efficiency)</li></ol>
Issues No issues
UC7 UC7: Filtering community toilets by Baby change
Description As a user, I want to find community toilets with a baby change.
Actors Users
Assumptions No Assumptions
Steps <ol> <li> Choose to view a table of community toilets</li><li> select the filter Baby change</li><li>Click on YES</li><li>Display community toilets with Baby change</li></ol>
Variations <ol><li>Click on NO</li><li>Display community toilets without Baby change</li></ol>
Non-functional <ol><li> NFR1: The buttons should be easily read and distinguished(Usability) </li> <li> NFR2: Desired criteria only has two choices ‘yes’ or ‘no’(Efficiency)</li></ol>
Issues No issues

Mindmap 2

Software Requirements Specification

Functional requirements

Functional requirements:

  • FR1.1: The system should get user location from navigator.geolocation
  • FR1.2: The system must query the database for Community toilets locations from Open Data Bristol
  • FR1.3:The system must add markers for each Community Toilet
  • FR1.4: The system should find nearest toilets to user
  • FR2.1: The sytem must query the database for wards with community toilets
  • FR3.1: The system must query the database of community toilets with changing places, baby change, and family toilets
  • Non-Functional Requirements

    Nonfunctional Requirements:

    1. NFR1: The search bar or icon must be visible at all times (usability)
    2. NFR2: List of community toilets should be narrowed down with every letter typed in (Performance efficiency)
    3. NFR3: List should always be in alphabetical order(Usability)
    4. NFR4: Location is only accessed if the user grants permission (security)
    5. NFR5: Show the 5 nearest community toilets to the user's location or the default location on the map(Usability)
    6. NFR6: Each marker should be visible(Usability)
    7. NFR7: Display the name of the community toilet after clicking the marker (Usability)
    8. NFR8: The buttons should be visible and distinguishable (Usability)
    9. >
    10. NFR9: Desired criteria only has two choices 'yes' or 'no'(Efficiency)
    11. NFR10: Buttons for different wards should be distinguishable (usability)
    12. NFR11: All toilets from the specific ward will be displayed(Efficiency)
    13. NFR12: The buttons should be easily read and distinguished(Usability)
    14. NFR13: Desired criteria only has two choices 'yes' or 'no'(Efficiency)
    15. NFR14: The buttons should be easily read and distinguished(Usability)
    16. NFR15: Desired criteria only has two choices 'yes' or 'no'(Efficiency)